Wear Resistance Vial Labeling Machine Kanggo Lip Balm
Katrangan Produk Rinci

Nomer Model:VKPAKObyek Labeling:Round Containers, Red Wine, Pp Bottle
Rincian kemasan:Packing Ekspor Kasus KayuAkurasi Labeling:± 0,5mm
Tipe Bisnis:Pabrikan, Perusahaan PerdaganganBobot Mesin Labeling:150kg

Wear resistance vial labeling machine with collection worktable for lip balm


OperasiOperasi layar tutul, sistem kontrol PLC, sistem komunikasi mesin manungsa sejatine gampang dipelajari lan gampang dikelola.
MateriAwak utama mesin label minangka bahan saka stainless steel SUS304
KonfigurasiMesin label kita nganggo bagean merek Jepang, Jerman, Amerika, Korea utawa Taiwan sing kondhang
KeluwesanKita uga bisa nambah fasilitas panganan kanthi otomatis supaya ora cocog karo panjaluk khusus pelanggan.


ThisSUS304 steeless excellent automatic vial labeling machine servo motor for oral liquidis made to label all kinds of small round bottles that cannot stand steady, like milk bottle, medicine bottle, glass bottle and pill bottle. In order to achieve rationalization of production target and design. The machine comes with automatic labeling process, simple operation, high speed running, accurate labeling position, beautiful labeling. The machine can be used for pharmaceutical, chemical and foodstuff Industry labeling.

Parameter Teknis

JenengMesin Label Vial
Kacepetan Labeling60-300 pcs / min
Dhuwur Objek25-95mm
Kekandelan Objek12-25mm
Dhuwur Label20-90mm
Dawane Label25-80mm
Ukuran Mesin Labeling2500 (L) × 1250 (W) × 1750 (H) mm
Bobot Mesin Labeling150kg


1. What information should we supply to check the suitable model?

►Pls send us picture of your container and label, as well as the container and label size.

►Pls also tell us what kind of label you use, if possible. (For exampe, self-adhesive, could glue, hot glue, etc. whether the label are in roll or pieces.)Then, we'll let you check the suitable model.

2. Apa sing kudu kita sok dong mirsani nalika nggawe label?

► Ukuran maksimum diameter sisih roller label yaiku 320mm; minimal roller label ing diameteripun 76mm.

► Arah label: gambar kudu munggah, yen tanpa kode data lan exp, label bakal muter miturut arah jarum jam; yen nganggo kode, label label kudu ngetrapake arah anti jam.

Tag: mesin label stiker botol, mesin label cilik botol