Mesin Label Botol Bulat Siemens Plc Gaya Labeling Horisontal
Katrangan Produk Rinci

Kahanan:AnyarObyek Labeling:Pill Bottle, Pharmaceutical Bottle, Pet Bottle
Sertifikat:Kanthi Sertifikat CEAkurasi Labeling:± 0,5mm
Tipe Bisnis:Pabrikan, Perusahaan PerdaganganBobot Mesin Labeling:150kg

Siemens PLC vial labeling machine servo controller automatic horizontal labeling style


1. Using touch-screen control operating system, simple and efficient
2. Adopt mature technology PLC control system, operation is stable and high-speed
3. Screw adjustment suppressing mechanism suppress bottle move accurately
4. Synchronization chain mechanism ensure labeling smooth and precise calibration
5. Advanced technology of pneumatic code system, print the batch number and expiry date clearly


This servo motor economy automatic penicillin bottle labeling machine isapplicable for all kinds of flat objects such as round containers, pp bottle andpet bottle.In order to achieve rationalization of production target and design. The machine comes with automatic labeling process, simple operation, high speed running, accurate labeling position, beautiful labeling. The machine can be used for pharmaceutical, chemical and foodstuff Industry labeling.

Parameter Teknis

JenengMesin Label Vial
Kacepetan Labeling60-300 pcs / min
Dhuwur Objek25-95mm
Kekandelan Objek12-25mm
Dhuwur Label20-90mm
Dawane Label25-80mm
Label Roller Nang Diameter76mm
Label Roller Diameter njaba350mm
Akurasi Labeling± 0,5mm
Pasokan Daya220V 50 / 60HZ 2KW
Bobot Mesin Labeling150kg


1.How to choose the correct labeling monitor?

►Lan kanggo monitor label, yen sampeyan duwe label transparan lan ora transparan, mula sampeyan kudu njupuk monitor universal, amarga mung monitor universal sing bisa ndeteksi label transparan lan ora transparan. Transparentmonitor mung bisa ndeteksi label transparan, monitor normal mung bisa ndeteksi label non-transparan.

2. Apa sing kudu kita deleng nalika nggawe label?

1. The maximum size of the label roller out side diameter is 320mm; the minimum of the label roller inside diameter is 76mm.

2. The direction of the labels: the image should be upward, if without coding the data and exp, the labels roll follow clockwise direction; if with coding, the labels roll should follow anti-clockwise direction.

Siemens PLC vial round bottle labeling machine horizontal labeling style

Tag: mesin labeling horisontal, mesin label cilik botol