Katrangan Produk Rinci
Jinis Botol: | Botol Babak / Botol Persagi / Botol Flat | Didhukung: | Listrik |
Aplikasi: | Kosmetik, Minuman, Reresik, Deterjen, Produk Perawatan Kulit, Minyak, Teh, Sayuran, Woh, Iwak, Daging, Snack, Beras, Tepung, Bumbu, Produk Susu | Kacepetan Labeling: | 5000-8000B / H |
Akurasi Labeling: | ± 1mm | Label Max Width: | 190mm |
Ukuran Botol: | 30-110mm | Sistem Daya: | 380 / 220V 50HZ 2300W |
Self adesive single-side automatic labeling machine for square / flat / round
1. The single-side automatic labeling machine for square bottles or flat shape of things off the side of the bottle label can be installed independent of plastic bodies, specialized cosmetics industry for automatic labeling and other irregular shape of the object; roll can be installed standard devices. while Achieve automatic round bottle labeling.
2. Plastic belt can be tilted design, adjust header eight-dimensional space, any product can be adjusted within a few minutes using the name of the host plant is completed servo motor, true closed-loop control, stepper motors to avoid the common "blind walk" phenomenon, precision subdivision, built-in absolute encoder, all this is designed to improve the accuracy.
3. Using a specially designed plastic bodies to ensure accurate positioning of objects being posted. Accurate labeling.
4. Calibrating the label after scraper, sponge roller compaction without power, power sponge roller extrusion, and other procedures to complete a labeling no bubbles, especially for transparent frosted bottle label affixed.
1. kacepetan cepet: 6000-8000B / H (kacepetan luwes, label luwih cilik, kacepetan luwih cepet)
2. akurasi label sing dhuwur: ± 1mm ing njero (ngilangi kesalahan botol lan label)
3. ngganti botol kanthi cepet
4. Kepala label kanthi imbuhan wolu orientasi, convient kanggo nyetel amba sing dikarepake
5. Mesin luwih stabil, bisa ngganti produk anyar lan luwih cepet
6. Cocog kanggo label sisih pinggir botol kerucut, ora prelu ganti bagean apa wae
7. suku cadang sing Pabrik strickly miturut safety pangan
8. nuduhake bagean kanthi proses presisi tinggi
9. saben sirah labeling nggunakake siji sistem kontrol, label luwih stabil
10. nggunakake kepala mesin gaya anyar (desain paten), convient kanggo nyetel, desain anyar, stabilitas sing apik
11. program sistem kontrol canggih, mandeg presisi label sing dhuwur
12. bagean utama sing digunakake merek impor, nambah mesin kanthi cepet lan awet
13. Kanthi ketat miturut sarat sampeyan, kalebu materi
14. Ganti botol ukuran beda-beda, mung kudu nyetel mesin
15. Bisa digunakake kanthi mandiri utawa integrasi larik lan cocog karo peralatan kanggo ngisi.
Mesin VKPAK fitur sing paling penting
1, Suku cadang nggawe lengket miturut panganan sing akeh
2, Bagikeun bagean kanthi proses presisi tinggi
3, Saben kepala labeling nggunakake siji sistem kontrol, label luwih stabil
4, Nggunakake kepala mesin gaya anyar (desain paten), convient kanggo nyetel, desain anyar, stabilitas sing apik
5, program sistem kontrol Lanjut, mandeg presisi dhuwur
6, bagean utama nggunakake merek impor, ningkatake mesin kanthi cepet lan awet
7, Strickly miturut kabutuhan sampeyan, kalebu materi
8, Ganti botol ukuran beda-beda, mung kudu nyetel mesin
Parameter Teknis
Kacepetan produksi | 200BS / mnt |
Akurasi label | ± 1mm |
Lebar maksimal label | 190mm |
Dhiameter / jembaré botol | 30-110mm |
Label diameter tengah | 76.2mm |
Label diameter njaba | Max330mm |
Ukuran garis gedhe | L23048 × W1200 × 1500mm |
Bobot | 480KG |
Nggunakake kekuwatan | 380 / 220V 50HZ 2300W |
Detail produk
Tag: mesin label ngarep lan mburi, mesin aplikator label